German Eau de Cologne 4711 Tosca DPI 119

Product no.: DPI 119

30.00 €
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A sealed and almost completely evaporated bottle of Eau de Cologne 4711 "TOSCA"1226 ca  40 cm3 from the end nineteen thirties.

A sealed and almost completely evaporated bottle of Eau de Cologne 4711 "TOSCA"1226 ca  40 cm3 from the end nineteen thirties.

In the late 1880's the name 4711 was given to "Water from Cologne" after the address of the factory : Glockengasse No. 4711 in Cologne.

Eau de Cologne was widely used by German military to improve personal hygienic at places where the army couldn't use their decontamination equipment. That's why many cologne bottles werd found in German positions on the Eastern front.

During the war German U-boat crew members were routinely issued 4711 perfume to improve odor aboard the vessel. In many cases the crew members would take home bottles as presents for mothers, wives or girlfriends.

See the Schiffer book RUHETAG: The day-to-day life of the German soldier in WW2 

Full and sealed bottles are very rare.

The contents of a number of bottles has been (partially) evaporated after so many years, like this one.